Wise Alarm

          Bismillahirrohmanirrohim ..

          Kringg .. Kringg .. I don’t know whether i was really awoke or still such kind of a light sleeper this morning. I don’t even remember what exactly happened and i even almost forget about things these days. Forget to eat, forget about my own dreams and so on. 

It was funny ! I just have woke up and sat on the bed before i could tidy it. In that time, just about two minutes after I woke, I heard a strange voice. It just like a ‘boom’ escorted by a ring or bell sounds. At the first, i thought that it was the cat and the mice were playing on the second floor :D. But, I couldn’t set my mind at the time, because there is no glass or bell on the second floor and then why there was such kind of a sound like that ?? . I thought and speak to my self. It needs a long time for me to realize that was an earthquake. I can’t or didn’t feel it, instead. And obviously, the bell that I heard was a tiny bell that my dad use to detects the earthquake. My neighbors said that the frequency of the earthquake was quite big but we don’t know exactly how big because it seems that the TV station workers still sleep, too. 

What a nice and wise alarm I thought. Allah Swt has woken up us in the morning to remind us to performs shubuh prayer. It was a soft approached from the God. It was a magic alarm because not everyone can feel it. It was very wise because not everyone can pick up the wisdom behind the alarm. Not everyone can hear and feel from their hearth that it is a warning from the God, Allah.


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