everything is WRITING

          Bismillahirrohmanirrohim ...

          Alhamdulillah, today I could do all my tasks and activities right away without any stress or pressure. Then, it seems that some of the MID test has been pending next week, but the lecturers come bring us a gift :). Yupp! What else I could say except THE HOMEWORK. I found a nice or we can say it with a surprised fact. Why ? Because all of the homework or the task is related to WRITING.

          Let we check it one by one. Besides writing, I also take speaking class this semester, and the regular homework is making the dialogue. Every week, we have to write down a new dialogue with different topics. The second ones, is pronunciation. I thought that we just learn about producing the words and practice the pronunciation. Obviously, we are not only insist to be able to pronounce the words but also write down the Phonetic transcription as I learn about it too in Introduction of Linguistics subject. My Introduction of Linguistics’s lecturer also ask to write the summary about the lesson we would like to study every week. Next, structure’s subject is also require a skill of writing in a proper and right grammar.
It happens so in this subject. This one insist me to write about all of these. Yes! CALL subject.
          As a concluding, I think that what I have learned is TRUE. One of human speciality (from the others) of ability is the WRITING. In communication, writing is concerned as the preservation of speech over space and through the time. So does in studying! In studying, WRITING  roles as a reminder and takes the very important part. It also my first experience of writing and I start it with expose it on bLog. I hope that you will be amused with my writing and able to get something  from here :)


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