About making a decision

Every time I communicate or make a decision, I always think about how my decision affects others and try to be as fair as possible. Though chances are small, I try to diminish the effect of a decision that may hurt people.

Now the time has come again. A very daunting and difficult one. A decision that will affect the entire chapters of life. I wish I could be fair and please everybody. You know me! I am barely able to say "No" to people. I am not good at "rejecting" and without others know, oftentimes feel bad inside after doing that as it could change everything... Mostly altering good ones to be the bad ones. Disconnecting! And I hate it. I would like to maintain the 'locution' and 'illocution' as the way it is before or even better them. Yet, a decision has effects! The list goes on and on within prayer and we all have to choose.

I am sorry. God knows better what is best for everyone. Earth rotates, the world is changing and so does everyone, including me and you. I hope the best for all your future endeavours :) Been thinking about this a lot. Life is too short to dislike. There are many other things to focus on. Aren't we all have one role and job in life? To serve God, Allah; manifested in our daily activities. Let's live in harmony!


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