Debate? You gotta be kidding me!

            Bismillahirrohmanirrohim ..

            First of all, I would like to say thank you to Allah who has given me a chance to write again and also to some lecturers who haven’t come last week so there aren’t so many homework to do. As a result I can take a breath and then write. 

            Alright! Forget about the lecturers and homework. (Inhale and exhale .. )

Well, actually I am a little bit bored, so that’s why I decided to visit you, my colour pensils’. Last week, my friends told me and the class that there will be such kind of English competition conducted by E.S.A. They are debate competition, speech and scrabble. Every class has to consign four students as candidates. One for scrabble, one for speech and two for debate competition. In the case that there are some students besides the candidates want to join the competition, they can also sign up. Ohh, hearing about that, I straight to smile and intend to join the scrabble. No matter if Im not one of the candidates, I just want to have fun and test my vocabulary. No matter if I lose it :D. I never join such kind of that competition before (I know, I know, poor I am). Stay in lovely bleacher made me sort of bored and intend to follow the simplest one which doesn’t need to stand in front of everybody.

Can you guess what happen next my colour pensils’ ? 
Aaaaaaaaaa !! ( screaming and groaning) <= Okay, That’s excessive :D. My friends prefer me to join the speech or debate v.v. They took me as one of candidates.

Me?? Candidate??
Ohh, you gotta be kidding me??

As I told before I don’t have any experience, but I have to choose between speech or debate -___-. And after consider about both of them, I decided to join debate. Yep! The one that I don’t like. I don’t like debate, I like peace (seriously), I am not up to date, I don’t how how to debate too (can we use idiom of proverb?). Whatta desperate and bold decision! Ohh, maybe you have some tips and want to share me? I just hope that I can do it well together with friend. That’s all my colour pensils’. 


  1. haha
    kenapa mesti minta2 izin segalaaaaaa????
    corect aja langsung disana kan tinggal tulis aja nia..


    Btw kalo perlu disetiap post itu correct2-in aja semua.. Aul tiap nge-post gak bawa kamus tuh. Terakhir buka buku bahasa inggris juga pas SMA. jadi yaa.. kayaknya di semua post itu pasti selalu banyak salahnya.

    dulu2 gitu sih. Ragu. mesti baca berkali2 dulu sebelum di-post. minta koreksiin ke si ifa dulu sebelum di-post. Jadinya lama. Sementara ratusan pembaca tiap hari baca. kalo gak buru2 diupdate bakal pada bosan terus gak main ke blog Aul lagi.

    jadi akhirnya tiap mau nge-post cuma sekali tulis aja. terus diberani-beraniin aja ngepost. abis kalo dipaksain mesti bener grammarnya semua gak bakal jadi2 postingannya. terlalu makan waktu. toh cuman blog diary. bukan koran atau karya tulis ilmiah. hahaha

    thank youu

  2. you have grown up so much as well and fascinatingly :)
    Keep spirit, I wonder if I have such a flare spirit just like yours.

  3. P.S.
    fotonya di pantai padang yang deket Plaza Andalas.
    itu pake kamera HP aja. skrg masih nabung beli kamera beneran. hihi


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