The Longest Holiday

            “Ohok.. Uhukk..Uhukk..”. 

I was trying to compromise with my throat at that time. I can’t stand of the vapor from the buses. The driver was busy with his stuffs and got ready to take the passengers to their hometown. Holiday is coming !! (horray!). Most of my friends have back to their home. They were seemed don’t patient anymore to feel a big and warm hug from family. Hmm... but me?? It is different with most of them. As usual, I just spend my holy holiday in this city (again and again). 

The good thing from this holiday is the longest ones I ever have. I have about three months off. Wuow!! The college will be started in August 27th, 2012. And I don’t want to spent my time in vain. I had made schedules before it started. 

            Went to a concert with friends was the first thing I have done in the last month. It was such kind of charity concert for Palestine held in the UPI Covention Center. I joined the concert with Kak Una, Kak Biru, Mona and Kak Azi. To my surprised, I met with many FKPWI seniors in the middle of the event. I was so happy. They were Kak Nurul, Kak Isil, Kak Ipit, Kak Milda and others which I can’t mention one by one. Next thing, I had taken a TOEFL test. It was my first TOEFL and the result was dissapointing :(. Yeah.. I had never taken it before and I’d like to take the test again this July, Insya Allah. I hope that the result will be better than before. 

            “Tik tik .. Tik Tik..”.
            Ohh, gray day!! It was rainning cats and dogs at that time. To take a desperate action, I decided to go to campus and then accompanied Nisa to the market. Before went to the market, we decided to visit Ramayana :D. We bought the same clothes; a stripped vest and green T-shirt. After finished shopping, we went to the market and Gober by foot. Ohh, it was very exhausting because I dont like to take a long walk >.<. A day after in the morning, I got pain in almost part of my body. I even could not feel how was my feet touched the floor (exaggerated). Allright. It seems that those were boring activities, isn’t it? Don’t worry my color pensils, I have other stories. Hmm.. It was written on my lovely holiday schedules that I will make presentation of tenses during holiday (and I did it). Since Mr.Aufa (my CALL lecturer) give assignments to make teaching materials by using power point, I became interested in it. So, I took the structure books, learned the tenses and grammar and then exposed it using power point.

            Okay. Let’s sing a song for a while ..

“Heartbreak, pick up all the pieces
Don't stop dancin’ in the bleachers
It's gonna be your turn to play
Gonna be your turn to play”

            Yup! That’s a soundtrack from a musical movie “Lemonade Mouth”. I also watched many movies which using English to get new vocabularies this holiday. However, these lyrics “Don’t stop dancing in the bleachers, it’s gonna be your turn to play, Gonna be your turn to play” remind me of something. An event, exactly SEA (Spoken English Activity). Yeah, I watched SEA at Theater Tertutup, FBS in June 11, 2012. It took about 7 hours and I felt like got a sedentary job at the time :D. As if those lyrics speak to me and tell me not to stop in the bleachers because someday there will be my turn to play on the stage. Besides those activities, there is an important goal I’d like to earn. I have been waiting for a long time :D. I want to learn to drive and get driving license. You know my color pensils, actually I am afraid to tell you, but I hope that everytime I meet you, it will be my motivation. Yet my father told me that I have a problem to make a turn (embarrasing >.<). 

Last morning, I attended my brother’s graduation party at Qatrinnada kindergarten. I was glad to see him show his ability on the stage. What a rejoice moment!

Congratulation brother!!

            Hmm.. The last story is little bit strange. I was wondering why the mosquitos operate and attack humans more often in the afternoon lately?? There are more mosquitos bite me at noon. I am afraid because my friend had reminded me to watch out the signs or clues about the Tsunami. Usually, the strange thing and action comes from animals first. :O

            That's my story today. They are just small or maybe poor activities (excessive again :D), but I’m happy. I have never been so happy in holiday before.


  1. waw...

    u have a lot of schedules actually,,

    im jealous,

    nia curang!

    #just kidding, in fact, im happy to hear ur story

  2. HEHE..
    yap medii, I have wrote it and hope that I can realize it :)
    Pray for me yahh ^^
    *Thank you medii..

  3. yeaa
    I'm in a long holiday too.

    berapa nilai toefl nya nia?
    Aul juga rendah nih. dulu pas baru daftar ulang masuk UNAND wajib ikut toefl universitas, cuma 460-an


    congrats to fadil :)
    (fadil kan namanya?)
    (atau enggak?)

    hi hi hi

  4. hhehe.. ap kegiatan libur aul??
    * Wow! tinggi tu, nia 4ratus 30an cuma ul :(
    abiznya asal isi :D
    Hhaha, ia.. namanya belum berubah kok .. :P

  5. Actually I never open it.
    I forgot the site. LOL
    Apa alamatnya ya?
    *sms nia kehapus waktu itu. jd gak inget*


    the 'perfect-perfect-tense' i use in my lastest post is yang paling sering muncul di mana-mana.
    ex: Have been. dapet rumusnya gegara facebook (you're status have been published), trus dulu di sekolah prnah bikin karangan jg (I have been learning english since last year)

    jadinya yg itu tau.

    cuma penggunaan have sama had biasa masih agak ragu2 sih. yang di post terbaru itu nyoba2. jadi gak salah ya?


    thanks for correcting a sentence di sana. emang lemah grammar dr dulu. jarnag baca literatur. hehe
    sering2 aja ngoreksiin ya nyaa. It'll be nice if I know yg mana2 aja yg salah.

    practice makes perfect, right??

  6. do whatever you wanna do... and do it with passion.. so you'll find the happiness in you ;)


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