Be your (new) self

 Bismillahirrohmanirrohim ...

          Just be yourself !! Most of us often hear this remark, don’t we ? Our close friends or cousin often give suggestion like this. When we want to dress up, just be our self. Almost in everything we have to just be ourself wihout imitate the others. But, inspirated by a well known Indonesia’s motivator, i’d like to share you a little about – Be your (new) self – . 
          Well, that remark or phrase is right ! Being our own self is better than copy the others. But it is DEPEND ! I mean that, it is depend on our self in the time we decided to be our own self. As we know that human's behavior and mood are often change. If we are in a good mood, good situation, good behavior that affects our act to be good too, we can be our self. But, when we are in a bad mood that affect ourself to do everything bad too, we can’t be our self or I can say that Don't be our self. We have to change ourself to be better :). We may copy others action, behavior, and so on. 

Then, to change it, we need some advices from others. Do not just jump into our own point of view. For example, if we want to dress up. We have to ask other opinions about it and in this case we’d better ask to they who are good (in many people has said). Do not 'just be your self' in everything, changing for better is better ..
* Let change together when we are bad and keep be our self when we are good (good for others, not just good based on our assumption )
·        ** I’m sorry if there are many grammatical errors. I am still learning >.<


  1. May I have questions?
    Have you been your self?

    What is the best way to know about your self, before you make a change?

    #hehehe... :p

  2. Good question ! And, what a stumper ..
    hmm .. i think the best way to know about our self is by the daily habits :)

  3. be your self is the best than be another, you are you,

  4. @kak epi : I agree, kak.. but, we can't be our own self in every situation.. heheee

  5. Be as the best as you can be is the best thing exactly.


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